Monday 17 November 2008

Analysis of an advert

The advert for ‘Nivea body’ is on a double page spread and mainly focuses on 2 people. The advert suggests to the readers that if you buy this product you will have body confidence, be irresistible to men and have great love, and also have perfect skin and perfect everything else.
The image is showing both a man and a woman in a bed together, supposedly in the nude. She is gazing into his eyes with a slight smile on her face that shows us how comfortable and confident she is feeling. Because of the way the girl is perceived – she has an innocent and sweet look about her, somebody that would usually be shy - it shows us how the body cream has the effect of body confidence. As if before she used this cream she had no confidence at all, but now she wants to show off her body. Also the way they have used natural looking make-up and not ‘overdone’ hair shows us that anybody can use this cream and will feel this confident in their own skin.
The gaze she is giving the man and it seems he is returning gives the impression of love between the couple. This suggests that great skin can win you a great man. And not somebody who just wants you for sex but somebody who will respect you and love you, hence the gaze and the way they are holding each other. And because the man is like most women’s ideal guy, having this cream will get you the man of your dreams. Somebody you thought you would never get. Every woman would love to have a gentleman god like boyfriend.
The way this ‘god like’ male is placing his pretty perfect hand upon her shoulder/back is laid so soft and gentle against her skin is a sign of perfection. The tone of her skin matches the tone of his which suggests they are the perfect couple and the way the image has been airbrushed shows absolute perfection of irresistible skin. Light is bounced off of her shoulder, which draws attention to silky, smooth, shiny skin.

The Diesel advert of ‘fuel for life’ suggests that if you buy this perfume product you will be sexy and seductive, have class and sophistication, and can have fun without men.
The image shows 3 women all completely different in different poses, hair colour, clothes etc. Even though these women are different they are all sexy and attractive. This is shown through their silky clothes, which gives the impression of softness and silky to touch. This could make the buyer feel as though they are irresistible to men if they wear this perfume and as though they show more importance and pride because of the girl’s attitude and posture. Every woman would love to have confidence and be able to seduce anyone and flirt with everyone they wish, they want to be able to feel sexy and as though they are able to pull in any man they wish.
The silk of the clothing and the cushion the women are sitting on, the design of the advert with gold on black and the way the girls are acting all show class and sophistication. This shows maturity of women and leads to suspicions of a glamorous lifestyle that of course every female desires to live.
The silk of the clothing and the cushion the women are sitting on, the design of the advert with gold on black and the way the girls are acting all show class and sophistication. This shows maturity of women and leads to suspicions of a glamorous lifestyle that of course every female desires to live.

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