Monday 17 November 2008

Plot Summary.

We have 3 characters in the opening to our thriller; Adalia, Rob and Faye. The main character in the opening is Adalia. The scene starts off with our femme fatal character applying a bright red lipstick in the mirror, which will be shown as an extreme close up on the lips. The mise-en-scene then fades into black and white shots of the other 2 characters in bed with one another, implying a sexual scene, and then pans over to show Adalia watching with the look of anger on her face. The camera then cuts back to Adalia applying mascara, with an extreme close up on her eye and as she blinks it cuts to another black and white flash back of the couple, Rob and Faye, in bed with blood on the sheets and open wounds. All of this will be accompanied by a soundtrack which will hopefully be selected soon and no diegetic sound until the flash back ends and a bottle of red nail varnish is knocked over. As Adalia goes to the bathroom to wash her hands another flash back occurs where she is washing blood off of a knife. Diegetic sound of running water present.

Adalia then goes back to the room where she wraps up money in newspaper and puts it into her handbag. She then puts her shoes on, camera angled to see the flat bottom of her shoe as she zips up her boot, soundtrack to be entered here too. As she walks out of the house you hear a door slam and then as well as the soundtrack the sound of heels walking along the pavement, camera at a very low level and street lamp light only. Slowly as she walks away diegetic sound fades and non-diegetic sound becomes louder as the camera watches her walk away. She walks down an alley way which is deserted and unglamorous towards a car where she edgily enters into the claustrophobic atmosphere of an enclosure, closer to her escapism. Finally the mise-en-scene shows a point of view shot when Adalia looks into her rear view mirror and sees the face of Rob who is supposedly dead. Everything then turns to black as the opening is concluded.


clhcns said...

Kirsty - where is your audience research? I need to see some evidence of reseacrh this week please.

r.ricketts said...

Please upload yuor story board for your prelim task.

vmb said...

You have usefully described the plot of your production but there is no analysis.