Thursday 26 March 2009

Audience Profile

Our thriller will mainly target students of around the age of 15/16-25 years. This is because of a younger cast and contemporary issued covered within the film. As the thriller contains content such as identity theft, murder and a little violence it probably wouldn't be able to be viewed by anyone under the age of 15.
I think both genders would find our film appealing as we found out during our research questionnaire results and also we have included both male and female characters within our film to specifically appeal to both a male and female audience.
Similar film appeal
People that would be interested in watching our film would also enjoy watching Psycho as many of our ideas came from this film. Also films like Jackie Brown with the use of the femme-fatale. Some other ideas came from The Third Man so some of the audience members might be interested in this, especially if they were interested in obscure camera angles.
Our audience are likely to be students of sixth form or college or uni.
The soundtrack is jazz music and quite dated so anyone who likes jazz music could be interested in our thriller. As our storyline is about theft and murder then audience members might have interests in crime tv programmes such as the bill. People who like older style films will likely to have an iterest in our thriller also as many of our ideas were based on older films, also as we havn't used major technology or any special effects.

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