Sunday 29 March 2009

Narrative Sequence REVISED

Shot 1: Close-up of Faye applying red lipstick, zooming in on the bright red.
Shot 2: The red then fades into the red blood as the camera zooms out canting slightly to establish a dead body, gradually reaching birds eye view of the body.
Shot 3: Camera pans down to bodies hand to emphasise the necklace he is holding.
Shot 4: Still, low angle shot of Fayes legs walking towards Robert.
Shot 5: Cut to medium close-up of Faye taking wallet out of Robs pocket.
Shot 6: Cross dissolve to close-up of her taking the money and cards.
Shot 7: Extreme close-up of Faye fanning out the money.
Shot 8: 90 degree canted mid shot as Faye throws down the wallet.
Shot 9: Cuts to scene of Faye walking towards camera.
Shot 10: Low angle of feet as she then walks away from camera.
Shot 11: Canted view as Faye reaches the new character.
Shot 12: 180 degree rule applied with focus on facial expressions, no dialogue.
Shot 13: Extreme close up as Faye slowly reaches into her pocket and pulls out money.
Shot 14: Medium shot of passing over the money. Emphasis on body language.
Shot 15: Close-up of Rose stepping closer towards Faye.
Shot 16: Medium long shot as Rose walks away.
Shot 17: Extreme close-up of half of Fayes face as tension rises.
Shot 18: Cuts to medium close-up of Faye.
Shot 19: Cuts to worms eye view as scene reaches climax.
Shot 20: Keeping camera in same place, slight shaking effect as someone puts a bag over Fayes head. Slow motion.
Shot 21: Cuts to extreme close up of Rose's eyes as if she's watching.

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