Thursday 26 March 2009

Preliminary Filming Task

1. What camera and editing techniques and codes did you use in your film and how do they influence the audience's understanding of the film? (e.g. camera angles and shot types etc; Match on action, Shot/reverse shot; 180 degree rule)
We kept our prelim task relatively simple with a lot of eye-level medium shots, and long shots. We experimented with some zooming as this was the first time using the digital cameras. Incorporated in our preliminary task were the 180 degree rule with our conversation between the 2 characters specifically stayed within 180 degrees, we used this to make sure the audience don't get confused where characters are and are able to have one-to-one conversation and follow along with it. We were also able to do match on action when the character was seen walking up to the door of the house from outside and then shown walking in from inside. This makes the sequence continous and the audience is able to follow easily as to whats happening. This is the best way to change location with the audience able to understand.
2. How did you use new technologies in your construction, planning and evaluation (e.g. digital cameras; non-linear editing software; Youtube and blog) and what skills do you have at using this technology? (Strengths and weaknesses e.g. steady/shaky camera; variety of shot types; smooth/clumsy transitions; independance when using technologies...)
We were able to film the continuity task using digital cameras that the school provided and before hand to get familiar with using it and creating different shots and camera movements. Also we were able to keep steady shots using the tripod the camera came with. Using free hand is hard but can create some good effects, but we didn't want this in our preliminary task. When editing we used a program on desktop computers which allowed us to finalise the small sequence. We were able to cut all the nonsense bits out and match together the conversation so it fitted perfectly. I think that the cutting was a bit too quick in most places but this is something we can learn from. The software allowed us to use transitions also like fade out/in. After completing editing we then uploaded to Youtube and then to our blogs.
3. How successfully does your final product meet the brief?
Our final product could have easily been better if we had the time to re-do it. Everything seemed to be very quick and dissapointingly there is no soundtrack. If we could re-do it we would definately put a soundtrack in at the very beginning. Also experiment with more camera angles/techniques to create different effects. Overall though i think our prelim task is a very good first attempt and did show some useful techniques such as the 180 degree rule, so it did do what it was initially to do.

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