Monday 17 November 2008


Costume ideas for main character:

As I don’t have images of the real costume I have searched on the Internet and found some, which I would like to find similarly to include as the real costume. My idea for the character is sexy, whilst elegant clothing to suit the femme fatal.
My first idea was the skirt. I chose a skirt as it’s feminine and suits the character that has high standards when it comes to appearance.

This pencil skirt would show a vintage style, businesswoman type and can portray to the audience that she likes to dress smart and been seen highly to others. This could also show that she is living a lie – the skirt is misleading people to believe she is an honest, hard-working woman.

I also chose to use black as it is a dark colour, which could represent the character.

This was another skirt idea I thought of in case a pencil skirt wasn’t available. This skirt is also vintage style with a modern twist. The item would give the idea impression of a 'tart'. The only problem with this is that it is quite a young look and immature. But would be good because red is an aggressive, angry yet the colour represents love also.

Fishnet tights were an attachment to the skirt as they give an edgy daring look with a hint of tartness. But any tights would be ok, as fishnets may be a bit over the top.

Here is an image of some shoes I have thought about using for my character. Obviously not these exactly, but some similar if possible. I chose these as they were red which shows us deviant, devil like woman with the sexy touch. Also the fact that they are high healed makes them very feminine and also make noise when walking which fits into an idea of sound at some point during the thriller opening.

My alternative shoes are these boots which portray some same aspects as the shoes with the high heels. Again there is a consistent colour of black or red as both these colours reflect the characters personality of hidden darkness and deviance. Another reason why I chose these is because they may be easier to get hold of.

Location ideas:

This is one of the possible locations, which will feature in our thriller film. It is a bedroom clip that is shown a couple of times to reflect betrayal and murder in flash back mode. The mise-en-scene shows a normal bedroom – every day casual. The reason we chose this bedroom is because it has available usage for filming. When filming this there will be hopefully be spotlighting coming from a lamp so there is a lot of shadows present which can give scary and spooky effects. If we don't use lamp spotlighting there is low light anyway which can give similar effects.

Here is another point of view of the same bedroom location. We have taken this picture to show a shot of the mirror as we plan to use a mirror shot of the same flashback using editing to make it quick and effective. The mise-en-scene shows a lot going on and we would centre the spot in which we were targeting to attract attention.


This is one of the first props that will be shown in the very first shot. The mise-en-scene shows our main character, Adalia, putting on her bright red lipstick. This is a signifier for our femme fatal woman as it shows sexiness and deviance and also confidence.

This is another prop we plan to be using which will be shown in a flash back scene of Adalia washing blood off of this knife in the sink. The reason we chose to include a knife is because it is a thriller aspect as it implies violence (along with guns). It is also a reference to Psycho in the shower scene when Marion Crane is murdered.

Other prop’s we will be using is mascara for another mirror shot we will be taking, with an extreme close up on the eye. Newspaper and money for Adalia to wrap up and put in her bag with a reference to Psycho again, and also shows us that she is running away from someone/something.


vmb said...

Story boards pleased, any revisions can be addressed in your evaluation.

Level 2/3 at present.

vmb said...

I meant story boards must be scanned in. Check you have included all elements that are in the planning section of your yellow coursework booklet.

vmb said...

At this stage your planning is incomplete. Post story boards, characters and locations onto your blog.

At things stand at the moment minimal/basic understanding.

vmb said...

Useful intertextual references to Hitcock's "Psycho" and illustrations of props and costumes. Story boards still needs to be posted onto the blog.

vmb said...

Sorry about the typing errors!!! These planning notes are very helpful.

vmb said...

You will be penalised if you do not post story boards onto your blog.
Could you do these as soon as possible, they should have been completed about 2 months ago!!
Planning hits Level 2.

cnsmedia_kirstymottershaw said...
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vmb said...

Planning indicates enthusiasm and sound visual literacy.

Overall planning is detailed and includes some analysis. Assessment for this aspect of your planning is Level 3: 14/20 - Well done Kirsty.