Friday 27 March 2009


Similarly to previous planning ideas we have incorporated money as this plays a big part in the plot of our film. This is also a major reference to Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho with Marion Crane wrapping up the stolen money.

Again lipstick is going to be needed for our thriller as both contrasting femme fatales will be wearing it. Red was a definate shade as it is more seductive so fits the role better and also the colour of blood. We want to have red being the only bright colour in our film and to keep it appearing all the way through.

The blood is a prop were going to need to add to Jack at the beginning to show his wound. The more we have the better and the more intense red the better.

A new prop in which we incorporated and started off the basis of our new ideas was the idea of a necklace, big, bold and noticable, linking in with the characters and with deaths. The necklace is planned to appear with different characters throughout the film, not just the opening. Itself is a micro detail but after watching it more than once it becomes more of more revealing of the plot.

1 comment:

vmb said...

I like your planning ideas and some of the evaluative notes. This reflects your enthusiasm.
Proficient understanding here.